Friday, December 27, 2019
Using the Spanish Verb Llegar
Although llegar typically is translated as to arrive, it has a wider range of uses than does the English word and is often used figuratively. To come is also a common translation. Keep in Mind Llegar usually carries the idea of arriving at a destination, either literally or figuratively.Llegar a followed by ser or another infinitive carries the idea of arrival at a goal or situation unexpectedly or after considerable effort.In terms of pronunciation, llegar is conjugated regularly, although sometimes its spelling changes to accommodate the ending. Using Llegar for Arriving In its most common usage, llegar refers to arrival at a place. The destination is frequently preceded by the preposition a, and de can be used to indicate the origin: Por fin llegamos a Madrid. (We finally arrived at Madrid.)Cuando llego a casa hago mis tareas. (When I get home Ill do my homework.)Llegaron a Mà ©xico los cuerpos de estudiantes muertos en Ecuador. (The bodies of the students killed in Ecuador arrived in Mexico.)Llegaron de diferentes partes de Espaà ±a. (They came from different parts of Spain.)Hay miles de refugiados que llegan de à frica. (There are thousands of refugees who are arriving from Africa.) As can the English word arrive, llegar can also refer to the coming of a time: Llegà ³ la hora de la verdad. (The moment of truth is here. Literally, the time of truth came.)Ya llega la primavera. (Spring is already here. Literally, spring already arrived.) Using Llegar for Reaching a Goal Llegar can often refer to the reaching of a goal, physical or otherwise: Los tres mexicanos llegaron a la cima del Everest. (The three Mexicans reached the summit of Everest.)El museo llegà ³ a las 100.000 visitas en menos de un aà ±o. (The museum reached 100,000 visits in less than a year.)Microsoft y Marvel llegaron a un acuerdo para distribuir los videojuegos. (Microsoft and Marvel reached an agreement for distributing video games.)No puedo llegar a fin de mes. (I cant make it to the end of the month.) The phrase llegar a ser typically suggests a long or difficult period of change to become something: Nunca lleguà © a ser doctor. (I never became a doctor.)Diez de estas tribus llegaron a ser la Europa moderna. (Ten of these tribes became modern Europe.)à ¿Cà ³mo fue que los computadores llegaron a ser parte de nuestra sociedad? (How was it that computers came to be a part of our society?) Llegar With Infinitives When llegar a is followed by an infinitive, it is often the equivalent of the English to come to. It often carries the connotation that the activity is extreme, unusual, or unexpected. Note how a variety of translations can be used: Algunos seguidores del candidato llegaron a llorar mientras escuchaban a su là der. (Some of the candidates followers even cried while listening to their leader.)Los Leones nunca llegaron a ganar un campeonato. (The Lions never came to win a championship.)Llegà ³ a decirme que mi pequeà ±a era mocosa. (He went so far as to tell me that my little one was a brat.)Lleguà © a comprender lo que querà a decir. (I even came to understand what he wanted to say.) Idioms Using Llegar Llegar is used in a variety of idioms and set phrases. Here are some examples: La secuela no llega a la suela del zapato al original. (The sequel doesnt hold a candle to the original.)Las negociaciones entre el equipo y Gustavo Torres llegaron a buen puerto. (The negotiations between the team and Gustavo Torres reached a satisfactory conclusion.)La empresa que no construya confianza no llegarà ¡ lejos. (The business that doesnt build confidence wont get far.)El cantante llegà ³ y besà ³ el santo con su cancià ³n Silencio. (The singer had success on his first try with his song Silencio.)Afortunadamente no llegà ³ la sangre al rà o, gracias a la rà ¡pida reaccià ³n de mis amigos. (Fortunately, there were no serious consequences, thanks to the quick reaction of my friends.)Despuà ©s de insultarse, llegaron a las manos. (After insulting each other, they came to blows.) Conjugating Llegar Llegar is conjugated regularly in terms of punctuation, but not in terms of spelling. The final g needs to be changed to gu when followed by an e. This occurs in the first-person indicative preterite (lleguà ©, I arrived) and in the subjunctive and imperative moods. In this way it follows the pattern of pagar.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on Redox Titration Lab Report - 750 Words
Determination of Fe by Redox Titration Matt Cuff Quant 320L October 21, 2011 Abstract In this experiment the percent of iron in an unknown sample will be determined by using a redox titration and then compared to a different method. A primary standard which in this case is ferrous ammonium sulfate will be used to standardize potassium dichromate. The standardized potassium dichromate will then be used to titrate the unknown iron sample using the indicator p-diphenylamine sulfonate. The standardized potassium dichromate which has a concentration around 0.017 M is then titrated into the unknown iron sample which is dissolved in deionized water. The unknown sample is titrated to its end point using the indicator p-diphenylamineâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Then use this information to calculate the percent iron in the unknown sample. The only obvious observations that could be made in the experiment was the color change of the solution from green to purple due to the indicator p-diphenylamine sulfonate and also titrating the solution with potassium dichromate. Data Analysis Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Wt. Fe(NH)2(SO4)2 , g 0.5025 g 0.5010 g 0.5003 g 0.5013 g Vol. K2Cr2O7 , mL 13.72 mL 14.22 mL 13.83 mL 13.69 mL Wt. Unknown , g 0.5020 g 0.5020 g 0.5022 g 0.5004 g Vol. K2Cr2O7 , mL 9.07 mL 10.18 mL 9.53 mL 9.78 mL % Iron in sample 10.29% 11.55% 10.85% 11.11% Trial 1 10.29% Fe Trial 2 11.55% Fe Trial 3 10.85% Fe Trial 4 11.11% Fe Mean 10.95% Fe STD à ± 0.5% Fe RSD à ± 0.05% Fe Calculations [K2Cr2O7] = 0.017 M 9.07 mL K2Cr2O7 * 0.017 M = [pic] Spooled =[pic] Spooled = 9.20 tcalc = [pic] tcalc = 1.197 @ 90% ttable = 1.90 ttable tcalc The two methods are statistically comparable Fcalc = [pic] Fcalc = 676 Ftable = 9.28 Fcalc Ftable The variances of the two methods are statistically different The average percent of iron present in the unknown sample was 10.95% Fe with a standard deviation of à ± 0.5% Fe. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Hospitality Industry Progress and Development
Question: Discuss about the Hospitality Industry for Progress and Development. Answer: As hospitality Goes high-Tech Business Owners need Sufficient Support [sponsored] This article was published in the hospitality magazine of Australia on 14th February 2017. This article has provided important information about the countrys hospitality industry and its relation with the technology. According to Law et al. (2013), technology plays a big role in todays business context as it not only helps to reduce overall costs but also helps to provide better services. Currently in Australia, all the organizations within the hospitality industry are connecting their operations via technology. Integrations are taking place in areas of payments, bookkeeping, and other digital platforms. It is expected that this frequent use of technology in the hospitality industry will only help the industry to experience a major growth in the future. However, t his article also highlights an issue in this situation that can hamper the growth of the industry in near future. According to this article, the managements of the organizations operation within hospitality industry will have to recruit strong support teams that will help to deal with technical issues in the future (Hospitality 2017). A well balanced and developed technical support team is extremely important in hospitality industry as the industry entirely depends on the consumers and technical support team will make sure that the consumers are not having any problem with the newly implemented technologies. On the other hand, only technical support team is capable to handle and resolve any issue related to technology in an organization. If any problem related to technology is not completely resolves t hen it would be annoying for consumers and technical support representatives to fix the same issue every day. On the other hand, occurrence of same issues daily will also affect customer satisfaction and a company will lose its consumers. For this problem, in this article it is recommended that hospitality companies can seek help from Point of sale technology provider Impos. It is not only a technical consultant organization but also can provide quality technical support and services. Their services stay active for 24x7 which is another advantage. This organization was formed out of the hospitality industry and that is why; a huge portion of its employees are former chefs, bartenders and servers (Hospitality 2017). This is why; the employees of Impos who it pretty well what it takes to go above and beyond. Therefore, it would be a good option to share hands with this organization. It is always seen when a business industry tries to implement new technologies, they face several problems at the time of implementation, handling, monitoring and solving issues. This is the same issue that the Australian hospitality industry is expected to face in the near future. Therefore, any organization in the hospitality industry of Australia that is planning to implement POS technology must make sure that its technical support provider is offering robust and continuous support. How well are hospitality Businesses using Social Report? This article was also published in the hospitality magazine of Australia on 24th March, 2017. This article directly does not talk about any issue but points out a major dispute by the hospitality organizations. Nowadays, a new trend in any business is to connect with the consumers through social media platforms. It helps the companies to develop a relationship with the consumers. It helps the companies to establish a loyal consumer base. However, a survey was conducted on 297 hotels, bars and restaurants of Australia (Bowling 2017). From that survey, it was found that nearly half of those organizations are not regularly engaging in conversations with their consumers in social media. Less than 20 percent of those companies are publishing content on Instagram and 65 percent are publishing content on social media once a month. Now the chances are high that it would become a serious problem in the hospitality industry of Australia. According to Leung and Buhalis (2013), communicating with the consumers on social media platform is important for a number of reasons. One of the major advantages of social media communication is, it can provide people more personal brand experience. If an organization can communicate with the consumers directly on the social media, then people will immediately recognize and call out the brand while selecting a product of service. On the other hand, it is easy for the companies to follow up the consumers related to any issues on the social media. Consumers will be able to post their issues without any trouble and organizations can immediately take action based on the complaint. Besides, social media platforms will do free promotion for the organizations. If an organization in hospitality industry provide good services to the consumers, then it is obvious that the consumer will tell the story in social media platforms. It will help the company to get new consumers. On the other hand, it is true that it can also hamper the business of the organizations. As communication becomes transparent, consumers will write down t heir problems in the social media platforms. Frequent complaints about a particular brand will force other consumers to think that the brand is not suitable for them (Leung and Buhalis 2013). However, from the above discussion, it can be stated that it is important to engage with the consumers on social media platforms. Australian companies within hospitality industry are absolutely not focusing on this aspect. The competition in this industry is already high. Companies are trying to find out new strategies to defeat their rivals. Some of them are investing in technology and some of them are improving t heir services. However, it is important for those companies to display their efforts on the social media platforms. On the other hand, opening an account on social media platform is not enough. Personnel of the companies will have to stay active all the time. In order to do that, the organizations can develop a separate department that will only focus on consumer communication in social media platforms. All other departments will be connected with this department so that any complaint related to any department can be communicated as soon as possible. References Bowling, D. 2017.How well are hospitality businesses using social?: report. [online] Hospitality. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2017]. Hospitality, 2017.As hospitality goes high-tech business owners need sufficient support [sponsored]. [online] Hospitality. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2017]. Law, R., Leung, D., Au, N. and Lee, H.A., 2013. Progress and development of information technology in the hospitality industry: Evidence from Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,54(1), pp.10-24.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
International Business Theory and Management Nawras
The Introduction Getting entry and success in the Oman Market is a serious task successfully accomplished by the Nawras Company, which works in the area of mobile connection. The role of the HRM policy in this significant achievement is crucial, as this significant result gained by the company can be mainly considered as the achievement of its workers.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on International Business Theory and Management: Nawras specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Varied business theories, especially the theories of motivation can be applied in the case of the Nawras Company in a broad way. Generally, the role of the HRM policy in gaining entry and success in the Oman Market for the Nawras Company can be evaluated as critically important, as well as flexibility and creativity, which were also vital for gaining this market. The body General information about the company Speaking about the matters related to the operation of the Nawrwas Company and the HRM policy, in particular, the general information about the company should be considered. The Nawrwas Company is the mobile operator providing a variety of services, including the Internet connection and mobile connection (Nawras: Business Solutions par.43). The company entered the market of Oman in 2005, facing a row of difficulties in this country with unusual mentality and business approach by the local population (Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company 2010 par.83). According to Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company, Nawras is a leading provider of telecommunications services in Oman. Nawrasââ¬â¢ vision is to enrich the lives of the people of Oman through better communication services, and its mission is to be the communications provider, and employer, of choice in Oman (par. 345). Business theories which can be applied in case of the Nawras Generally, one is to keep in mind that HRM policies can work, if they are used along with other business strategies. So, ââ¬Å"cost reduction, quality enhancement and innovation, for an organization to gain and retain competitive advantage, could be obvious candidatesâ⬠(Katou 2008 p. 122). It is also necessary to point out that business strategies impact on HRM policy. One can call this affirmation as hypothesis 1 or H1. On the other hand, the impact of the policies on the employeesââ¬â¢ attitudes and behaviors seems to be also direct. Thus, improved organizational performance is the result of the policy implementation. So, one can state that there is a direct interdependence between HRM policies and the outcomes. One can call this affirmation as hypothesis 2 or H2.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When speaking about International Business Theory, one is to keep in mind that external factors influence the success of the company. Nevertheless, performance appraisal, training and some other abilities influence the employeesââ¬â¢ motivation to perform certain tasks. According to IBT, there are skilled and experienced employees, who contribute to the companyââ¬â¢s success (Appelbaum et al., 2000). So, there is a certain interdependence between organizational performance and the policies human resource management is based on. One can call this affirmation as hypothesis 3 or H3. Another interesting point, which is to be highlighted, is that there are no synergic relationship between various policies; although HRM norms and their relation to the companyââ¬â¢s performance seems to be additive. So, one can state that a positive interdependence takes place. One can call this affirmation as hypothesis 4 or H4. Visually, the hypotheses will reflect the following: According to IBT, HRM policies canââ¬â¢t work properly without business strategies; organizational performance is closely related to HRM outcomes; ââ¬Å"part icipation, involvement, compensation, incentives, communication, promotion, training and development, performance appraisal, work design, and selection may constitute in a descending order the important aspects of the HRM strategyâ⬠(Katou 2008 p. 135); innovation is considered to be one of the most important constituents of International Business Theory; the HRM outcomes depend upon the employeesââ¬â¢ motivation and competence. With regards to business theories, which can be applied in case of the Nawras, the first and the most important one, which is to be mentioned, is the theory of motivation. This theory assumes that in applying of the HRM policy due motivation of the employees is vital for the companyââ¬â¢s healthy situation on the market and further stabile development (Theories of Motivation par.21).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on International Business Theory and Management: Nawras specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/pa ge Learn More The conclusion Concluding on all the information related above, it should be stated that the Nawrwas Company managed to enter the Omani market, which is known by its insidious peculiarities, mainly due to successful application of the HRM policy. The companyââ¬â¢s managers put a lot of work into developing wise, flexible and creative strategy, which helped the company to occupy the market successfully. References Appelbaum, E., Bailey, T., Berg, P., Kalleberg, A.L. 2000. Manufacturingà advantage: Why high-performance work systems pay off, London: Economic Policy Institute: Cornell University Press. Katou, A 2008, Measuring the impact of HRM on organisational performance. Web. Nawras: Business Solutions 2012. Web. Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company 2010. Web. Theories of Motivation. Web. This case study on International Business Theory and Management: Nawras was written and submitted by user James Kidd to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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